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The SENT Lab Guidebook

The printed guidebook is shipped to you. The guidebook contains everything you need to learn and to lead others. 


Plus, you will gain instant access to download:

  • eBook, "Already SENT" by Dr JR Rushik

  • eGuide, "Discovery Bible Study"

  • eGuide, "The Commands of Christ"

  • Session videos & additional resources

"The Sent Lab" is a guidebook for Christians who want to live a life of mission and impact in their local communities. Discover how to be sent by God to be ambassadors of his love and grace, and make a difference in your neighborhoods, workplaces, and schools.


"The Sent Lab" provides practical tools and resources for Christians to identify their unique calling and develop a missional lifestyle.


"The Sent Lab" is a motivating and inspiring resource for Christians who want to live a life of purpose and impact.



Session 1: As the Father Has Sent Me

The purpose of this session is to introduce the material and identify your spiritual starting point. You will study the primary ways that Jesus was sent into the world and explore its implications for your missional activity today. 

Session 2: Missionary God

This session is a study of the three-fold grace of God and its direct connection with His redemptive work in this world. You will also discover the necessity of drawing near to Christ as the source of missional activity.

Session 3: Remember Who

Session three is the culmination of the first section as it builds upon the theological foundation of sessions 1 and 2. This session personalizes God’s three-fold grace by reflecting on how your life was impacted by other people in partnership with God’s grace. You will create a map of people that God used in His redeeming work in your life. Your personal journey is then used as a template for your missional activity today.

Session 4: Among the People

This session will challenge you to identify the names of specific people in your life. The culmination of this session is to create a specific list of family, friends, and neighbors for prayer and strategic personal investment.

Session 5: With the Gospel

The Bible calls believers to bear witness to and proclaim the gospel. This chapter teaches the importance of the sharing of the gospel as a primary expression of God’s redeeming work. You will learn to and practice sharing the gospel through testimony and illustration.

Session 6: Make Disciples

This session teaches the four responses to the gospel and teaches obedience-based discipleship starting with the commands of Christ. 

Session 7: Gather and Guide

This session explores the importance, purpose, and function of gathering as the church. The two options presented are to gather with an existing church or to gather as the nucleus of a new church. One of the purposes in gathering is to guide new disciples toward entry into the harvest field. You will also explore the functions of the church as described in the book of Acts.   

Session 8: Abide

This session teaches the necessity of activating your sent nature under the power and authority of Jesus. Sustained power and authority are found through a vibrant relationship with Jesus. At the conclusion of this session, you will be commissioned into ministry.



Are ready to activate a disciple-sending ministry? Are you hungry to shift from

knowledge-based discipleship


application-based discipleship?

From addition to multiplication?

From centralized to SENTralized?


The SENT Lab is the right resource for you.

Attend the FREE vision & training sessions


The SENT Lab VISION:  Zoom Session

  • Understand the WHY behind the Sent Lab.

  • Discover the benefit of being SENTralized (not centralized)

  • Learn successful strategies for implementation

  • and more...


Get info about the next vision session


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What people are saying

“If you want to grow your faith on a personal level and as well as lead other people to a personal relationship with Jesus. The Sent Lab is a remarkable next step. I highly recommend it.”
~ Ryan

The SENT Lab

The SENT Lab is a disciple-making resource that is centered around the movements in the harvest field. The movements in the harvest field have been used in discipleship and church multiplication worldwide.

The SENT Lab provides practical insight into launching your own
network of disciples and churches.

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©2022 by JR Rushik

Phone: ‪‪(443) 502-0766‬‬ | Email:

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